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"100 Days of Commute" is a series of "punny" and playful illustrations & letterings about commuting inspired by the commuters I see everyday. It is my first passion project after learning all the lessons I acquired from the Passion to Paid class of the talented, Lauren Hom. In our class, we were taught to let our creative juices flow and unearth creative goldmines from our own experiences and interests.
Commuting is the subject I ended up as the theme for my project because it is one of the few topics that I can deeply relate to. I have several experiences from commuting both funny and stressful to the point it made me bawl the moment I arrived at my house from walking almost 2.5km under the rain because all jeepneys were jam-packed with passengers. I also witnessed numerous commuters struggling to commute everyday so they can go to work and provide for their families.I hope my illustrations and lettering can not only make you chuckle, but can also raise awareness of the real issues commuters face everyday especially in Manila.

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